Date: | 2000-to date |
Location | BiH |
Company & reference person | School of Economics and Business, University of Sarajevo
Dean, Prof. Jasmina Selimović PhD Head of MIT Department, Prof. Zlatko Lagumdzija PhD |
Position | Associate Professor at the School of Economics and Business, University of Sarajevo |
Description of programme and responsibilities | Full-time Associate Professor in Management information systems and eBusiness course curricula. In addition, responsible for preparation of Curricula development for number of courses provided by the MIT Department in line with the guidelines set in Bologna Declaration.
As a Deputy Manager (2006-2008) for programme, development participated in the creation and implementation of first Distance Learning program at the School of Economics and Business as well as the University of Sarajevo. Program coordinator (2000-2002) responsible for the design and establishment of e-Net Center at the School, the first Bosnia and Herzegovina World Bank GDLN affiliated Distance Learning Center. As an Author (1999-2000) and Project Manager (2002-2006) of Informatization Project of the School, responsible for introduction of IT within everyday work of the School as well and number of subsystems that have significantly improved daily workflow and operations. Within the framework of “New Micro-organization of the School” Project (2003-2004), directly responsible for the new organizational setting of the School in line with the guidelines set in Bologna Declaration and the new Law on Higher Education. As the Director of Business Academy (2008-2012) at the School of Economics and Business, in charge of a number of different life-long-leaning programs (LLL) of the School, including several MBA studies. Also, as a part of the Business Academy managing activities and programs of the eNet Center. |
Date: | 2016-2017 |
Location | BiH |
Company & reference person | State Public Administration Reform in BiH Coordinator’s Office
Head, Dragan Ćuzulan PhD |
Position | Public-private partnership Project, Team leader |
Description of programme and responsibilities | As Team leader responsible fort the implementation of the two-year project with the main objective of this brining PPP practices and tools closer to wider professional community.
In addition, the project goal was to complete the legislative frameworks at different levels of government respectively, as well as to implement wide range of trainings with the potential participants in PPP projects so as to encourage them in entrepreneurial activities. The entire project also produced a comprehensive Web platform for PPP professional in BiH. Main Project components are: (i) Development of appropriate EU aligned PPP Legislation Framework, (ii) Training and Capacity Building, and (iii) Publicity and Awareness Raising. As a Team leader I was responsible for overall project deliveries and outcomes, as well as day-to-day management of both project staff and experts teams. |
Date: | 2010-2012 |
Location | BiH |
Company & reference person | Ministry of Health of Sarajevo Canton
Ms. Edina Stević |
Position | Member of the Governing Board for the implementation of the Action plan for the informatization of Canton Sarajevo Health Sector Institutions |
Description of programme and responsibilities | By the decision of the Cantonal Government the Governing Body for the Implementation of Cantonal eHealth Strategy and the Action Plan, per decision of the Cantonal Assembly, is responsible for; overall implementation of the Cantonal eHealth Strategy and the Action Plan; issues of political and strategic significance in the process of implementation of Cantonal eHealth Strategy and the Action Plan; related risk management as well facilitation of key implementation challenges; all decision partnering to implementation of Cantonal eHealth Strategy and the Action Plan; decision related to institutional framework of the implementation of Cantonal eHealth Strategy and the Action Plan; supervision and approvals of Action plan stages and major milestones; supervision of Consultation team and well as other teams and subcontractors; revision of overall implementation framework and specific institutional roles; budget monitoring, quality assurance and public awareness. |
Date: | 2002-2009 |
Location | BiH |
Company & reference person | United Nation Development Programme, CO in BiH
Assistant Resident Representative, Mr. Armin Sirco Resident Representative, Mr. Moises Venancio (currently Senior Programme Manager and Team Leader Western Balkan in UNDP New York) |
Position | eGovernance and ICT Portfolio/Programme Manager |
Description of programme and responsibilities | Principal responsibility in creation of eGovernance and ICT programme structure, including assessment, design, development and resource mobilization for the whole project and activities within the eGovernance and ICT Programme.
Creation of national framework for eGovernance and ICT and alignment with existing government policy and strategic documents. Also, situational analysis of government, overall political and social environment related to Public Administration Reform (PAR) and e-Governance development. Selection and supervision of project managers and project teams. Supervision and quality assurance in implementation of projects. Addressing critical project issues. Defining and managing project risks and assumptions. Maintenance of relations with government officials of all levels. Monitoring and evaluation of project progress, Financial control, as well as mid and final reports authorization. As a member of UNDP Country Office (CO) management team, responsible for overall CO strategy and alignment of eGovernance and ICT in overall assistance strategy of UNDP, but also other relevant international organizations in BiH. Author and supervisor of different project with eGovernance and ICT Portfolio/Programme. Most prominent ones are; BiH ICT Forum, CISCO Networking Academy Support, eReadiness Assessment (2002, 2005 and then upcoming 2008), Policy, Strategy and Action Plan for Information Society Development in BiH, eLegislation Reform Project, BiH Legislation Database Project, ICT Sector Status Report, and finally eGovernment at the BiH Council of Ministers Programme. In addition, as a member appointed by the BiH Government, participated in the design and development of a number of different laws and bylaws at the state level. Among others, the development of Law on BiH Agency for Information Society, state level eBusiness and eSignature laws. Supervising up to 20 local staff and a number of both local and international experts. |
Date: | 2000-2009 |
Location | BiH |
Company & reference person | United Nation Development Programme, CO in BiH
Assistant Resident Representative, Mr. Armin Sirco |
Position | Early Warning System in BiH Programme Coordinator |
Description of programme and responsibilities | The Early Warning System (EWS) Project in Bosnia-Herzegovina was established in 2000. The core of the EWS project in BiH has been the generation and analysis of the data related to politics and institutional stability, the economy, the socio-economic situation, ethnic relations, and the security, otherwise unavailable in the country, with a view to identifying and monitoring problematic areas and trends, to allow timely warning of potentially destabilizing developments and the potential for crisis in any one or combination of the areas under observation.
Author and manager of the overall EWS programme, as well as EWS methodology. Team leader of EWS expert team, as well as author of EWS Special Reports – namely: “Elections 2002”, “Privatization of natural monopolies – energy, telecom and water supply”, “EWS Research 2000-2006” and “Jobs and …more jobs” Author of EWS indexes, the unique quantitative indexes for political and institutional stability, economic conditions, socio-economic situation, ethnic relations, and security in BiH In more than 30 quarterly publication, eight Annual ones and four special reports we interviewed over 70 000 BiH households, and did over 20 cycles of top-100 business surveys. Executive editor for all Early Warning System publications. |
Date: | 2006-2009 |
Location | BiH |
Company & reference person | United Nation Development Programme, CO in BiH
Assistant Resident Representative, Mr. Armin Sirco Chief of Cabinet of BiH Minister for communication and transport, Mr. Drazen Gagulic |
Position | Co-chairman of the Steering Board of eGovernment at the BiH Council of Ministers Programme |
Description of programme and responsibilities | eGovernment Programme for the BiH Council of Ministers (CoM) is the first comprehensive programme designed to introduce a wide range of eGov systems and services aimed at improvement of CoM efficiency and effectiveness in daily operations. The Programme is composed of three phases (second one is scheduled to finish in December 2009) starting with the development of common infrastructure services and communication tools, as well as integrated Web portal of the CoM, this is followed by introduction of collaboration and advanced tools for eSession, and finally the development and introduction of integrated Document and Knowledge Management System. In addition, all is accompanied by intensive and mass training of different levels of government staff, from civil servants to ministers, as well as high-level government representatives.
Responsibilities in preparation of Board sessions. Management of meeting agenda. Addressing the key programme issues. Dealings with the most difficult government reengineering challenges and necessary legislative process. Member of Government appointed Commission on e-Gov legislation and regulation (Commission is in-charge of preparation of necessary laws, bylaws and other internal regulatory acts related to the introduction of e-Gov systems and services) |
Date: | 2008-2012 |
Location | BiH |
Company & reference person | Supreme Court of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
President, Mr. Amir Jaganjac |
Position | Member of the expert-commission for the selection of Court-appointed experts in information and communication technologies |
Description of programme and responsibilities | Court-appointed experts are used in the cases for which the court does not possess particular expert (technical, medical, etc.) knowledge they should provide clarification of facts that are inevitable for rendering judgment. Such experts may be used in environmental cases, for example for determining factual causation or impact.
Definition of criteria for the selection of Court-appointed experts in information and communication technologies area. Preparation of exam methodology and the questionnaire. Evaluation and final selection of Court-appointed experts. |
Date: | 2007-2008 |
Location | BiH |
Company & reference person | SCORE Project
Prof. Tadej Mateljan PhD |
Position | National Expert for eGovernance |
Description of programme and responsibilities | SCORE Project aims to contribute to the shaping of EU ICT research policy in the region, in a way that meets the interests and actual needs of regional ICT stakeholders. The main contribution of the SCORE project is the development of ICT Strategic Research Agendas for the participating Western Balkans countries (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and Serbia) and a Policy Paper with “Recommendations for shaping EU scientific co-operation with the Western Balkans Region in the field of ICT research: 2007-2013” that will enable EU RTD policy-makers to define realistic research policies and agendas for the region.
Defining an initial list of ICT research priorities in the area of eGovernance. Preparation of initial version of the ICT Strategic Research Agenda for eGovernance priority areas Analysis of feedback provided by national experts in the area of eGovernance. |
Date: | 2008-2009 |
Location | BiH |
Company & reference person | Ministry of Health of Sarajevo Canton
Ms. Edina Stević |
Position | Team Member |
Description of programme and responsibilities | Preparation of the Action Plan for implementation of Health information management strategy for the period 2009-2015 for Sarajevo Canton
This included: Stakeholder analysis and consensus-reaching facilitation; Feasibility analysis, Conceptual design of architecture that will ensure Integration of existing and future health information systems into single information space; Compliance with major standards, such as CEN ISO TC251 (communications, terminology, security, and interoperability), HL7 interoperability healthcare standard etc.; Availability of single EPR (Electronic Patient Record) to all cooperative health information systems, Interoperability of all cooperative health information systems in Sarajevo Canton – technical and institutional framework based on introduction of Health Care Interoperability Framework, integrator/operator and Data Clearing Center concepts (the concept of multilateral solutions as defined in “European Interoperability Framework for Pan-European eGovernment Services”); Standardized reporting and support to public health statistics; Preparation of Action Plan that includes: overall guidance for strategy implementation, definition of institutional and financial implementation modalities, definition of governing and implementation structures, TOR’s for managerial activities, strategic infrastructural projects and application systems projects, Project plan and Budget estimates. |
Date: | 2008-2009 |
Location | Republic of Slovenia |
Company & reference person | Centre for eGovernance Development for SEE
Ms. Diana Šimić PhD, Chairperson of the Supervisory Board |
Position | Member of the Supervisory Board |
Description of programme and responsibilities | Centre for eGovernance Development for SEE (CeGD) was established in January 2008. Following the eSEE Agenda Plus and the commitment of CeGD Stakeholders and recognized partners, CeGD develops its activities within the methodology of CeGD 7 ePillars Model of Single SEE Information Space and Inclusive Information Society.
As a member of the Supervisory Board, responsibilities are participation in preparation and activities of the Board sessions, addressing the key programme issues and addressing the most difficult government and regional challenges. Other duties as a member of the Supervisory Board include: (i) achievement of the Center objectives; (ii) organization of operation; (iii) selection of Center’s staff and expert pool; (iv) the financial reporting process; (v) compliance with the legislation and regulations. |
Date: | 2002-2009 |
Location | BiH and SEE region |
Company & reference person | Electronic SEE – eSEE Initiative
Head of eSEE Initiative Secretariat, Ms. Nera Nazečić |
Position | Representative at the eSEE Initiative |
Description of programme and responsibilities | The aim of Electronic South Eastern Europe (eSEE) Initiative is to better integrate SEE countries into the global, knowledge-based economy by regionally supporting the development of Information Society. The eSEE Initiative provides a balanced policy and cooperation framework and provides one of the best examples of regional cooperation in the Stability Pact Practice. Actions undertaken by eSEE are complementary to the effort of drawing SEE closer to EU action plans for Information Society development expressed in the current i2010. Led by the premise that the application of digital technology is the key factor of economic growth in 2002 the Initiative developed the first comprehensive ICT related regional document entitled eAgenda for the development of Information Society (2002-2007). The document was signed by all SEE region countries at the Ministerial conference in Beograd. Following the implementation of eSEE Agenda eSEE Initiative team in 2007 created the new strategic document for Information Society development, entitled eSEE Agenda Plus (2007-2012) and signed at a Ministerial Conference in Sarajevo on 29 October 2007.
Team leader in drafting the eAgenda for the development of Information Society (2002-2007), as well as the subsequent eSEE Agenda Plus (2007-2012). Executive editor of eSEE Regional ICT Status Report and author of regional handbook “How to Build Open Information Societies. A Collection of Best Practices and Know-How”. One of the authors “Guidelines on how to build cabinet level body in charge for information society development in SEE region countries” As a member of the eSEE Initiative, I was responsible for the session agenda, addressing the key programme issues and their alignment to IS development principles. Also, dealings with regional government reengineering challenges and core ID development issues, as well as framing the regional approach to legislative processes. This also included cooperation with key regional institutions, from Stability Pact, EU Commission Directorate General of Information Society and Media, and Regional Cooperation Council – RCC. |
Date: | 2006-2008 |
Location | BiH |
Company & reference person | We-Go Project
Center for Management and Information Technologies – MIT Center, MIT Center, Prof. Zlatko Lagumdžija PhD, Director |
Position | Expert |
Description of programme and responsibilities | The “We-Go” project is Coordination Action within the 6th Framework Programme, funded by EU Commission, Directorate General of Information Society and Media, which aims to transfer and to adapt successfully “eGovernment Good Practices and Knowledge” and will enable follow-up implementation projects, including accompanying measures targeted to reinforce and innovate eGovernment research in Western Balkans Countries (WBC) together with EU partners. The project “We-Go” was focused on enabling public administration in WBC to reach higher productivity and equity creating framework for eGovernment Interoperability Framework and providing best practices for corresponding transactional application. The Coordination Action will support the networking and coordination of eGovernment research and innovation activities in WBC and European Commission’s i2010 framework.
Based on project ToR providing expert advice to core international project team, participation in selection of local government leaders, and working with government representatives in setting the country agenda and facilitating knowledge transfer |
Date: | 2003-2004 |
Location | BiH |
Company & reference person | BiH Council of Ministers
Chief of Cabinet of the Prime-minister of the BiH Council of Ministers, Mr. Tarik Đođić |
Position | Coordinator of Expert Team in preparation of BiH Policy, Strategy and the Action Plan for Information Society Development in BiH |
Description of programme and responsibilities | Within the framework of overall national strategy formulation process, the BiH Government decided to start working on three separated strategic documents. The most comprehensive one was BiH Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper-PRSP which had a section devoted to ICT, followed by BiH Policy, Strategy and Action Plan for Information Society Development, and finally under the auspice of European Commission the Public Administration Reform Strategy. As eGovernance and ICT Programme Manager I was responsible for overall design, development, resource mobilization and supervision of National IS Development Project. The aim of the National IS Development Project was to elaborate the guidelines set in the PRSP and to create integrated and comprehensive state strategy for information society, and overall ICT development in the country.
In addition as a Coordinator of Expert Team, I lead the core team of experts in charge of the development of Policy for Information Society development as a foundation document from which all other documents where developed. In addition, I was in charge of working directly with the Prime Minister’s Office on overall project progress and appropriate Steering Board decisions (National IS Development Project Steering Board was composed of all three prime ministers and three ministers of communication and transport). Also, I was Executive Editor for all output documents including the Strategy and the Action Plan. The Strategy is composed from five interlinked areas; e-Legislation, e-Education, e-Government, development of IT industry and development of ICT infrastructure. The BiH Policy, Strategy and Action Plan for Information Society Development where adopted on 69th session of the BiH Council of Ministers held on the 16. November 2004. |
Date: | 07/2003 |
Location | BiH |
Company & reference person | United Nation Development Programme, CO in Yemen
Resident Representative a.i., Mr. Moin Karim |
Position | International Consultant for ICT Strategy and Programme Development |
Description of programme and responsibilities | Leading of team of international experts in development of ICT for Development Programme for Yemen Government
Assessment and needs analyses of the country and government In discussion with local stake holders preparation of extended version of ICT for Development Programme |
Date: | 2001-2003 |
Location | BiH |
Company & reference person | BH Telecom d.d.
Federation of BiH Minister for communication and transport, Mr. Besim Mehmedić |
Position | Member of the Supervisory Board of BH Telecom d.d. |
Description of programme and responsibilities | Duties as a member of the Supervisory Board include: (i) achievement of the Company’s objectives; (ii) the strategy and risks inherent in the business activities; (iii) the structure and operation of the internal risk management and control systems; (iv) the financial reporting process; (v) compliance with the legislation and regulations.
Also, they include selection and the appointment of company Director and Board of Directors, drawing up of company annual report as well as overall responsible for the corporate governance structure of the company. In addition, during this period I was in charge for overall process of separation of company postal and telecommunication divisions in two companies (over 5000 employees and over 1 billion of annual turnover). Finally, during 2002 company started overall process of introduction of SAP based ERP solution. |