Economic forum of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Economic Forum of Bosnia and Herzegovina is organized 4th year in a row and has so far gathered over 1800 participants, mostly representatives of executive branch of BiH government as well as representatives of regional companies, diplomatic sector and academic community. The central idea of Economic Forum of Bosnia and Herzegovina is establishing a platform that links representatives of business community, academia and economic policymakers, aimed at the promotion of entrepreneurial initiatives and partnership, cultivation of public-private dialogue and presentation of scientific and technological solutions for promoting the sustainable development of our country and region. For this reason we strive to give our contribution to the development of stronger ties between different stakeholders who share the common business interest in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This should ultimately result in creating actual proposals and guidelines for creating future economic policies.

By organizing the Forum, School of Economics and Business of University of Sarajevo would like to give a contribution to the community, and for this reason Forum will be open to all interested parties without the participation fee, but only upon previous registration.

"Economic Forum of Bosnia and Herzegovina" creates a synergy of activities by creators of economic policies, business and academic community, all in order to form the attractive business environment in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
"Economic Forum of Bosnia and Herzegovina" is a spot where representatives of government, creators of economic policies, business and academic community meet and exchange opinions, organized by School of Economics and Business of University of Sarajevo. Forum will deal with all the relevant issues significant for conditions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, starting from the macroeconomic policy, sectoral policy, business environment, competitiveness of BiH economy and companies.

To contribute to the creation of more favorable and attractive business environment in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Forum is conceived as the open dialogue between representatives of business community, academy and economic policy creators;
Forum should contribute to the networking of different stakeholders that have a common business interest, and provide space for the first bilateral meetings;
Forum should result in actual proposals and guidelines that will be made available to creators of economic policies.
Participation in Economic Forum of Bosnia and Herzegovina 2020 is free of any sort of participation fee, but with invitation and mandatory registration.