Industrial Marketing Management Summit

Call for Papers

We are excited to announce that the 8th Industrial Marketing Management Summit will be held from 15-17 January 2025 at the University of Sarajevo - School of Economics and Business.

Sarajevo, being at a crossroads of civilizations, offers an interesting cultural experience from its landmarks to its culinary delights. The 8th Industrial Marketing Management Summit aims to continue the tradition of fostering debate, sharing cutting-edge research, and advancing the effectiveness and efficiency of industrial markets. The summit will feature recent advancements in theory and practice within global industrial and business-to-business marketing. Building upon the success of previous summits and the rich legacy of Industrial Marketing Management, this event promises engaging discussions, thought leadership, and practical solutions. We are excited to continue with presentation of academic research within parallel sessions enriched with several new elements, including a doctoral summit, as well as an academic-practitioner event.

Doctoral summit

The doctoral summit will feature doctoral dissertation research in industrial and business-to-business marketing topics. Selected students will have the opportunity to present their work to a panel of experienced, established professors and receive valuable feedback. Attendees at the doctoral summit can also look forward to a series of talks covering a wide range of topics.

An academic-practitioner event

This event aims to foster a dynamic exchange of ideas, where practitioners will present their challenges and work with academics to discuss those challenges. Attendees will have the unique opportunity to engage in discussions and participate in collaborative workshops, aiming to inspire new academic-practitioner collaborations. This new format was already featured in the previous IMM Summits and yielded new collaborations that we are especially proud of.

Special Issue

The authors of the best papers presented at the 8th IMM Summit will be invited to submit their manuscripts for review in Industrial Marketing Management (IMM) special issue. All submissions for special issue should be made through the Industrial Marketing Management’s submission system by using the dropdown box 8th IMM Summit. All invited papers will go through the blind peer review process with at least two double-blind peer reviews of each manuscript. We expect that 12 months after the IMM summit, the special issue will be ready for publication. More information about submission of invited outstanding papers will be available on January 30, 2025.

Please note that the acceptance of a paper to the 8th IMM summit conference is not a guarantee of publication by the IMM.

Tentative Program

  • Wednesday, January 15: Registration and Doctoral Summit
  • Thursday, January 16: Opening, Parallel sessions and Gala dinner (featuring the best doctoral paper and the best conference paper)
  • Friday, January 17: Parallel sessions and Academic-practitioner event Note: The final program will be announced 3 weeks before the Summit

Important details:

Preparation and submission of paper and review process:

Submissions should be about 2,500-4,000 words in length (everything included) and submitted by mail to Summit co-chairs. Authors are requested to submit two files: Title file with information about the authors, their affiliations and contacts and manuscript file where authors must avoid revealing their identities in the body or reference section of the paper. Authors are advised to refer to the Guide for Authors before submission. If the paper is submitted for the doctoral summit, this should be specified in the body of both files that are submitted. We look forward to your participation in the 8th Industrial Marketing Management Summit in historical Sarajevo.