Students' Admissions Office
Students' Admissions Office is in charge of ensuring an unhindered realization of the teaching process, monitoring teaching load, and keeping record of the delivered lectures. The Office provides relevant information on the studies, enrols students at all study levels, coordinates final exams and issues diplomas, organizes foreign diploma recognition and equivalence, and monitors the implementation of the decisions made by Scientific-Teaching Council as a professional entity of the School.
I cycle
Every working day from 9AM to 10AM and from 3PM to 4PM, +387 33 275 968
II cycle
Every working day from 11AM to 2PM
+387 33 564 395
+387 33 564 396
III cycle
Every working day from 8AM to 4PM, +387 33 275 946
HEAD OF THE OFFICE: Mulija Delibašić
Library-Information Centre
Library of School of Economics and Business was established in 1952, immediately after the establishment of the School itself. In the upcoming years, the Library enhanced its holdings not only with economic expert literature, but with literature dealing with other scientific fields as well. Today, School of Economics and Business owns the most equipped, the most valuable and the oldest library when it comes to the science of economics in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 2001, thanks to the realization of an EU Project, the Library turned into a Library-Information Centre (BIC) by making a purposely adapted and functionally equipped space.
Library-Information Centre (BIC) at School of Economics and Business in Sarajevo is a special, open higher education library that systematically collects and professionally processes, keeps, archives and lends library holdings and information that are necessary to ensure that the teaching-scientific process and science-research work at the School are unhindered and enhanced.
Working hours: Moday – Friday, 8AM to 4PM
Book ordering: Monday – Friday 8AM to 10:30AM
Contact:, +387 33 275 961
HEAD OF THE CENTRE: Narcisa Rastoder
International Office
International Office constitutes an important connection of the School with international partners and serves the purpose of internationalizing the School's programs, teachers and students. The Office's primary task is to establish, develop and enhance the cooperation of School of Economics and Business in Sarajevo with faculties of economics and related institutions in the world for the purpose of exchanging scientific achievements in the field of economic studies, exchanging professors and members of the teaching staff with other faculties in the world, exchanging students, exchanging professional journals and literature, organizing joint teaching activities and organizing and conducting joint research projects. Graduate studies with faculties in Torino, Nice, Zagreb, Ljubljana, Vienna and other prestigious institutions have been developed through bilateral cooperations and numerous Tempus projects. Also, undergraduate and graduate studies in English have been established with our partner Griffith College in Dublin.
HEAD OF THE OFFICE: Teaching Assistant mr Amila Bijedic
Career Centre
Career Centre provides sources, contacts, programs and workshops which enable SEBS students to make the transition from academic environment to the business world as simple as possible and to productively participate in and contribute to the society. The Centre's goals are the following: providing additional professional education, preparing the students for work, volunteering, interning, doing research, informing and connecting the students with the business environment, providing professional advisory support to the students who are in the process of career development, etc.
HEAD OF THE CENTRE: Teaching Assistant Anes Hrnjić, MA
Faculty Development Centre
SEBS Faculty Development Centre was established in June 2005, with the primary aim to provide continuous support to the members of the teaching staff in their work. By establishing the Centre, SEBS has positioned itself among the higher education institutions which provide systematic support to the professional enhancement of their teaching staff. The Centre's mission is to give support to the enhancement of scientific-research development and the teaching process, as well as to make professional development easier for SEBS teaching staff members.
The Centre's basic tasks are the following: monitoring the need for scientific-research development of the teaching staff; supporting the processes of making and publishing scientific and research papers, texts or chapters in relevant journals; supporting the enhancement of the teaching process and implementation of the ideas for the improvement of education and teaching; continuous research and informing on the possibilities of financing science and research work, informing on modern teaching methods and the possibilities for professional development; organizing development sessions and trainings on relevant themes (independently or in collaboration with other services). Additional activities are defined by the Centre on the basis of the determined needs of the teaching staff members.
Working hours: Every working day from 8AM to 16PM
Contact:; + 387 33 251 880
HEAD OF THE CENTRE: Associate Professor Amila Pilav-Velić
Centre for Entrepreneurship and Knowledge Management
The Centre is made to host all creative students who are eager to succeed and develop, both personally and professionally, and who want to establish their small businesses, validate their ideas and face the obstacles by turning them into their favour. The Centre provides the possibilities of mentor-led trainings, skill development through trainings organized by the Centre's staff, making of business plans that are adjusted to the opportunities in the local community, project implementation proposed by the investors, as well as organization of all educational activities, seminars or conferences. The Centre finds and develops the potentials of all School's employees, students and partners with the aim to use them as efficiently as possible. We are trying to instigate as many start-ups as possible by providing them with the adequate preparation and education. The most prominent project of the Centre is CEO Conference (Career and Entrepreneursip Opportunities). The Conference is an annual event which connects young people with successful people who, with their own positive examples, motivate them to take proactive approach to entrepreneurship and career development by ruining the myths on success and adopting new knowledge and skills.
Centre for Islamic Economics, Banking, and Finance
Centre for Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance was established in July 2012 at School of Economics and Business in Sarajevo. The main task of the Centre is to organize trainings and give advice on Islamic banking and finance in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as in the whole region of Central and Southeastern Europe.
Working hours: Every working day from 8AM to 16PM
Contact:, +387 33 564 368
Adress: Skenderija 70/II
HEAD OF THE CENTRE: Professor Dženan Đonlagić
Quality Management Office
SEBS is dedicated to administering the quality of all teaching and administrative processes. Quality Management Office was established in September 2008 and has since been in charge of coordinating all School's activities with the aim of enhancing quality management at School of Economics and Business, University of Sarajevo. The Office is under the direct jurisdiction of the Dean's Office. The Office has advisory role. The main task of the Office is to provide recommendations based on the analyses and evaluations and to develop quality criteria for the overall School's business operations. The Office is also in charge of supporting and conducting the QA standards and coordinating the activities regarding quality ensurance for all basic processes at School of Economics and Business in Sarajevo.
Working hours: Every working day from 8AM to 16PM
Contact:, +387 33 564 395
Adress: Skenderija 70/II
Publishing activities
Since its establishment in 1952, School of Economics and Business has paid special attention to the development of scientific-research activities and to publishing the literature needed for a successful education process. A big interest in economic studies has caused a continuous growth in student numbers at School of Business and Economics. Along with the increased interest in entrepreneurship and private initiative, this created a constant increase in the demand for economic literature published by the School. Due to this, and especially due to the protection of the authors' rights and interests, a special organizational unit was formed in 2000: „SEBS Publishing“, which integrated all processes and activities related to publishing. Publishing encompasses business activities within the School's activities, such as: book publishing; publishing of journals and periodical publications; book, journal and stationary retail and wholesale. Since its establishment in 2000, SEBS Publishing has published more than 120 titles.
Working hours: Every working day from 8AM to 16PM
Contact:, +387 33 253 783
Centre for Management and Information Technologies
Centre for Management and Information Technologies (MIT) provides support to the members of teaching and non-teaching staff in the realization of everyday activities by using information technologies. Electronic exam evaluation, electronic student cards and attendence sheets, daily refreshed web presentation of the School and modern design as well as the newest software solutions are only some of the innovative solutions implemented in the teaching process with the help of MIT Centre. The Centre has three units: INFO administration, IT support and DL studies.
Working hours: Every working day from 8AM to 16PM
Contact:, +387 33 253 881
HEAD OF THE CENTRE: Tihomir Veselinović, MA
Public Relations Office
School of Economics and Business is the first education institution in the region with PR Office as a special unit. The Office is modelled after the world's leading universities' PR Offices that cultivate successful communication with interest groups in their environment. PR Office is in charge of reputation and perception management, and the final result of its communication activities is creating a positive image of School of Economics and Business in the eyes of the internal and external public. Public statements or information regarding SEBS study programs can be obtained via
Working hours: Every working day from 8AM to 16PM
Contact:, +387 33 253 786
HEAD OF THE OFFICE: Lejla Sinanović, MA
Centre for forensic Accounting
The Center for Forensic Accounting was formed for the purpose of implementing the project "Strengthening the Capacity of Forensic Accounting in BiH" funded by the US Embassy in B&H. The Center will operate within the Faculty of Economics and bussines in Sarajevo. Its purpose is to design, create and manage all activities related to, education, certification and lifelong education of forensic accountants in B&H. Its opening will provide adequate support for the establishment, professional certification and professional development of forensic accountants in BiH.
Contact:, +387 33 275 906
HEAD OF THE CENTRE: prof. dr. Meliha Bašić
Centre of Excellence for Evaluation and Policy Research
The Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Evaluation and Policy Research was established in March 2021 as part of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funded Monitoring and Evaluation Support Activity II (MEASURE II) Partnering for Excellence in Evaluation and Research grant awarded to SEBS. The CoE strives to serves as a centralized training facility and thought leader to support the sustainability of efforts to build research and evaluation capacity and provide monitoring and evaluation services in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H).