SEBS Proceedings/Sarajevo Business and Economics Review (SBER) publishes scientific and expert research papers, reviews and translations in the field of economic studies as well as students' papers. The papers go through anonimous reviews and based on the decision of the Editing Board, they are categorized into one of the following categories:
SBER Proceedings have been published once a year since 1966, and by 2020 they had 37 issues.
Since 2007, SBER Proceedings have been included in the bibliographic database EBSCO PUBLISHING – BUSINESS SOURCE COMPLETE (Journals & Magazines). Since 2009, SBER Proceedings have been included in CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Library) database and since 2011 also in ProQuest Business package platform, which is one of the most prominent world databases in the field of economics and business.
To have been indexed is a great success for SEBS Proceedings/Sarajevo Business and Economics Review, because that is what makes us available to the wider international scientific community.