
Department of Economic Theory and Policy

Department of Economic Theory and Policy (DETP) aims to educate economists and conduct scientific research in the fields of economics, international economics, and development. KETP subjects are studied as common, specialization, or elective courses in all three study cycles. KETP leads the specialization in European Integration Economics in the first cycle of studies and the specialization in Global Economy and European Integration in the second cycle of studies. The teaching content of departmental subjects and specializations, as well as the methods of teaching, knowledge assessment, and evaluation, are in line with the principles of the Bologna Declaration from the academic year 2005/2006.

Concentrations of the first cycle of studies 

European Integration Economics (Academic program Economics)

This program aims to acquaint students with the theoretical and practical aspects of one of the most current phenomena in the global economy - the process of economic integration within the European context. It is designed to provide a deeper insight into the functioning of the European Union, business within the Union and with the Union, and an understanding of what Bosnia and Herzegovina can expect with its accession to this integration.


Concentrations of the second cycle of studies

Global Economy and European Integration

The goal of this program is to enhance students' previously acquired knowledge in the field of global economics, enable a deeper understanding of various aspects of European integration, and prepare students for independent economic research. The focus of the specialization is on studying selected topics in areas such as advanced international economics, the global financial system, institutional economics, EU economic diplomacy, international competitiveness, regional development, and environmental economics.




Department Members

Department Management:
Adnan Efendić, Full Professor, Head of Department
Hatidža Jahić, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of Department
Lamija Biber, Teaching Assistant, Secretary

Full professors:

Snježana Brkić, PhD
Areas of research: International Economy, International Finances, International Trade, Economic Integration, World Trade Organisation.
Phone: + 387 33 275 935

Fikret Čaušević, PhD
Areas of research: International Finances, Financial Markets, Labor Market, International Economy
Phone: + 387 33 275 906

Adnan  Efendić, PhD
Areas of research: Macroeconomics, Institutional Economy, Applied Economics
Phone: + 387 33 275 965

Muamer Halilbašić, PhD
Areas of research: International Competitiveness, Financial markets and Institutions, Statistics
Phone: + 387 33 275 960

Eldin Mehić, PhD
Areas of research: Technological Developemnt, International Economy.
Phone: + 387 33 275 915

Jasmina Osmanković, PhD
Areas of research: International Economy and development, Economic development, International Economy, Tourism, Local, Urban and regional development
Phone: + 387 33 275 919
Associate Professors:

Sabina Silajdžić, PhD
Areas of research: Applied Economics, Innovations
Phone: + 387 33 275 926

Associate Professors:

Hatidža Jahić, PhD
Areas of research: Economics of Development, International Economy
Phone: + 387 33 253 785

Assistant Professors:

Adnan Muminović, PhD
Areas of research: Macroeconomics, European Integrations
Phone: + 387 33 275 900

Teaching Assistants:

Lamija Biber, MA


Department of Finance

Basic scientific disciplines of Department of Finance are: Business Finance, Financial Management, Monetary and Public Finance, Insurance, Banking, Instruments and Institutions of capital market, etc. The field of finance is studied in 75 different courses most of which are elective courses in different expert concentrations in all the three cycles of studies, while a number of them are basic courses studied by all students at the School. The main aim of the courses in this department is to provide students at all three degrees of studies with basic and advanced knowledge regarding the use of financial disciplines for analyses and for making different decisions in enterprises and in public institutions, expert bodies and local communities. This field is characterized by a great amount of dynamics and countinuous development, and this is why the Department of Finance has a constant task to modernize the existing knowledge as well as to spread it onto new disciplines in this field.

Department Members

Department management:
Džafer Alibegović, Full Professor, Head of Department
Lejla Lazović-Pita, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of Department
Nejra Hadžiahmetović, Teaching Assistant, Secretary​

Full professors:

Adnan Rovčanin, PhD
Phone: +387 33 275 949

Azra Zaimović, PhD
Phone: + 387 33 253 787

Dženan Đonlagić, PhD
Phone: + 387 33 275 900

Jasmina Selimović, PhD
Phone: + 387 33 275 906

Kemal Kozarić, PhD
Phone: + 387 33 275 941

Muharem Karamujić, PhD
Phone: + 387 33 275 911

Associate Professors:

Džafer Alibegović, PhD
Phone: + 387 33 253 761

Lejla Lazović-Pita, PhD
Phone: + 387 33 564 362

Mirza Kršo, PhD
Phone: + 387 33 253 778

Selena Duraković, PhD
Phone: + 387 33 275 941

Assistant Professors:

Adem Abdić, PhD
Phone: + 387 33 275 944

Tea Mioković Polić, PhD
Phone: + 387 33 275 781

Teaching Assistants:

Anes Torlaković, MA

Lejla Dedović, MA

Nejra Hadžiahmetović, MA


Department of Quantitative Economics

Department of Quantitative Economics encompasses two programs: Quantitative Economics and Mathematics. The first year of studies offers the following courses: Mathematics for Economists, Statistics in Economics and Management and Business Statistics, depending on the program of the studies. The second year of studies offers: Quantitative Methods in Economics and Management, Quantitative Models in Finance Economic Analysis and Operational Research. In the international program of the first cycle of studies at Sarajevo Business School, the Department offers the course Business Mathematics and Statistics in English.

Application of quantitative methods and models in economics has numerous advantages that contribute to the quality of economic research. Applying quantitative methods, models and the corresponding algorithms helps to make more accurate and efficient research of complex economic phenomena and issues as well as their interdependence with the aim of making decisions and forecasting future trends of economic aspects and processes.


Department Members

Department Management:
Almira Arnaut-Berilo, Associate Professor, Head of Department
Lejla Smajlović, Professor, Deputy Head of Department
Ademir Abdić, Assistant Professor, Secretary

Full Professors:

Emina Resić, PhD
Areas of research: Sample Selection Models, Parametric Inference, Nonparametric Inference, Time Series Analysis, Multivariate Statistic.
Phone: + 387 33 275 924

Lejla Smajlović, PhD
Areas of research: Mathematical analysis and applications, Analytic number theory, Automorphic forms.
Phone: + 387 33 275 928

Associate professors:

Adela Delalić, PhD
Areas of research: Statistics, Factor Analysis,Mathematical Models of Decision Theory, Operational Research, Applied Mathematics, Quantitative Methods in Economics.
Phone: + 387 33 253 780

Almira Arnaut-Berilo, PhD
Areas of research: Operations research, Optimization Methods, Decision Theory, Quantitative Methods in Management, Multivariate Statistics.
Phone: + 387 33 275 954

Lamija Šćeta, PhD
Areas of research: Theory of Numbers, Theory of Summability, Applied Mathematics.
Phone: + 387 33 564 398

Merima Orlić, PhD
Areas of research: Statistics, Econometrics, Operational Research, Quantitative Methods in Economics.
Phone: + 387 33 564 393

Assistant professors:

Ademir Abdić, PhD
Areas of research: Statistics, Economic Analysis, Econometrics, Quantitative Analysis of Time Series.
Phone: + 387 33 275 991

Senior Teaching Assistants:

Mirza Šikalo, MA

Teaching Assistants:

Minela Nuhić-Mešković, MA


Department of Marketing

Department of Marketing offers the following courses: Marketing, Marketing Management, International Marketing, Marketing Research, Marketing Communication, Consumer Behaviour, Service Marketing, Public Relations and Corporation Communication, Marketing of Nonprofit Organizations,  Business to Business Marketing, Strategic Brand Marketing, Direct Marketing and Internet Marketing, Sales Management, Marketing Information System. Students can choose Marketing in the first cycle of studies, and proceed to a specialized study program on the second and third cycles.

Department Memebers

Department Management:

Nenad Brkić, Full Professor, Head of Department
Almir Peštek, Full Professor, Deputy Head of Department
Mediha Arnaut Smajlović, Teaching Assistant, Secretary

Emeritus Professors:

Prof. dr. Muris Čičić
Areas of research and interest:  Advertising, sales, marketing communications, branding, consumer behavior, marketing management.
Telefon: +387 33 560 700​

Prof. dr. Anto Domazet
Areas of research and interest:  International marketing, branding, strategic analysis and competitive strategies, corporate social responsibility, economics.
Telefon: +387 61 135 683

Full Professors:

Emir Agić, PhD
Areas of research and interest: Quantitative marketing methods, Determining prices, Strategic marketing, Marketing research, Consumer behavior
Phone: +387 33 275 930

Maja Arslanagić-Kalajdžić, PhD
Areas of interest and research: B2B marketing, Financial responsibility of marketing, Services marketing, Corporate reputation, Strategic marketing.
Phone: +387 33 275 883

Nenad Brkić, PhD
Areas of interest and research: Integrated marketing communications, Advertising – creative and media strategies, Public relations and corporate communications, Sales and sale staff management, Professional sales and negotiations
Phone: +387 33 275 936

Melika Husić-Mehmedović, PhD
Areas of interest and research: Luxury goods and luxury spending: branding luxury products, analysis of the consumption of luxury goods; Materialism, status symbols and profiling the target group; Consumer lifestyles; Current issues concerning traditional media
Phone: +387 33 275 774

Eldin Mehić, PhD
Oblasti istraživanja: International economy, international business, environmental economics.
Telefon: + 387 33 275 915

Almir Peštek, PhD
Areas of research and interest: Marketing management, Digital marketing, Social media marketing, Marketing for non-profit organizations, Tourism
Phone: +387 33 275 958

Associate professors:

Adi Alić, PhD
Areas of research and interest: Global Marketing, Brand management, Marketing of distribution channels, Trade, and Marketing management.
Phone: +387 33 253 752

Denis Berberović, PhD
Areas of research and interest: Marketing research, Qualitative marketing methods, Marketing communications, Public Relations and Corporate Communications.
Phone: +387 33 253 775

Assistant Professors:

Alisa Mujkić, PhD
Areas of research and interest:  Branding, Brand Management, Sustainability Branding, Branding of Service Organization, Marketing, Service Marketing.​
Telefon: +387 33 275 996

Teaching Assistant:

Ass. Mediha Arnaut Smajlović, MA
Areas of research and interest:  Marketing Management, Marketing Research, Marketing Communication, Consumer Behavior.
Telefon: +387 33 275 987

Ass. Nadija Hadžijamaković, MA
Areas of research and interest:  Internal Marketing, Employer Branding, B2B Marketing, Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing​​.
Telefon: +387 33 253 758

Ass. Esmeralda Marić, MA
Areas of research and interest: Corporate Social Responsibility Marketing, Public Relations, Price Management, Marketing Communication.


Department of Management and Information Technologies

Programs created and led by Department of Management and Information Technologies provides students with knowledge in the field of business informatics, business information systems, management information systems, all with the aim to prepare them for labour market that is becoming ever more demanding. 

Programs were created with the aim to get students acquainted with theoretical-conceptual bases of business informatics, management information systems, business information systems, management information technologies/resources, analysis and design of business IS, bases of programming and business application development, etc., as well as with the use of IT tools and techniques in modern business. The courses offered at Department of Management and Information Technologies are the following: Business Informatics, Management of Information Technologies, Theory of Systems and Information, Analysis of Business Processes, Application of Computer Networks in Business and Telecommunication, etc.    

Concentrations at the first cycle

Management and Information Technologies and Development of Business Information Systems have been created as the result of the modern business perspective and the increasing need of today's companies for the necessary professionals who know how to make efficient use of information technologies, manage information resources, and to manage business systems by using IT. 

Concentrations at the second cycle

Strategic Information Management (in cooperation with Faculty of Economics, University of Zagreb)
The program aims to provide additional degrees, competencies and skills in the area of modern information management. The studies are aimed at experienced IT professionals who are part of, or tend to be a part of, information management or company management.    

Department members

Department Management:
Kemal Kačapor, Associate Professor, Head of Department
Elvedin Grabovica, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of Department
Tihomir Veselinović, Teaching Assistant, Secretary

Full Professors:

Nijaz Bajgorić, PhD
Areas of research: Development of Business Information Systems
Phone: +387 33 275 950 

Savo Stupar, PhD
Areas of research: Development of Business Information Systems
Phone: +387 33 275 942

Tarik Zaimović, PhD
Areas of research: Management of Information Systems
Phone: +387 33 251 882

Associate Professors:

​Elvedin Grabovica, PhD
Area of Research: Management of Information Systems
Phone: +387 33 275 948

Kemal Kačapor, PhD
Areas of research: Management of Information Systems
Phone: +387 33 275 929

Amra Kapo, PhD
Areas of research: Management of Information Systems
Phone: +387 33 253 769

Amila Pilav-Velić, PhD
Areas of research: Development of Business Information Systems
Phone: +387 33 275 771

Lejla Turulja, PhD
Areas of research: Development of Business Information Systems
Phone: +387 33 275 970

Teaching Assistants:

Emina Kuloglija, MA

Tihomir Veselinović, MA


Department of Management and Organization

Department of Management and Organization provides students with the understanding of how business organizations function by offering them the needed knowledge on business and orienting them to build the required skills and competencies that enterpreneurs and managers are obliged to have at all organizational levels. Courses at the Department and its Concentrations at the first and second cycles of studies cover all aspects related to managerial and enterpreneurial management and business organization systematization, by applying the „big picture“ logic, step by step, piece by piece, thus creating a wide range of competencies and soft skills that business people are required to have. Department of Management and Organization teaches our students to run business systems as top managers and to systematize their own businesses as enterprenuers.

Concentrations at the first cycle

Management and Organization
The concentration encompasses courses that are aimed at teaching students to understand key aspects of a company's functioning, that is, functioning of an enterprise or an organization as a whole. The aim of the first cycle is to provide potential candidates with a specific content that will enable them to successfully complete different kinds of tasks inside different types of organizations.    

Concentrations at the second cycle

Management and Organization
The aim of this concentration is to provide potential candidates with the content that will additionally enable them to successfully complete their work and manage different types of organizations through the understanding of the meaning, significance and application of the courses taught and through the adoption of ways of creative thinking and behaving.  

Department Members

Department management:
Zijada Rahimić, Professor, Head of Department
Jasna Kovačević, Assistant professor, Deputy Head of Department
Munira Šestić, Assistant Professor, Secretary


Full Professors:

Aziz Šunje, PhD
Areas of research: General Management, Development of Managerial Capabilities, Managing Projects, Organisational Behavior, Corporative Management, Business Consulting.
Phone: +387 33 275 903

Elvir Čizmić, PhD
Areas of research: Entrepreneurship, Business Decision-making, Contemporary Managerial Concepts, Operational Management, Organisational Design, Human Resources Management
Phone: +387 33 275 951

Senad Softić, PhD
Areas of research: General Management, Crisis Management, Controlling, Organisational Behavior, Organisational Design, Management of Changes
Phone: +387 33 275 757

Zijada Rahimić, PhD
Areas of research: General Management, Human resources Management, International Management, Strategic Mergers and Acquisitions.
Phone: +387 33 275 925

Associate professors:

Elvir Šahić, PhD
Areas of research: Industrial Sociology, Sociology of Organisation, Economic Sociology, Ethical and Political Philosophy, Socio-Cultural Anthropology, Qualitative Methodology, Theoretical Psychoanalysis.
Phone: +387 33 275 923

Jasna Kovačević, PhD
Areas of research: Strategic Management, Leadership.
Phone: +387 33 275 953

Emir Kurtić, PhD
Areas of research: General Management, Decision-making, Micro, Small and Middle-size Companies, Organisational Behavior, Organisational Coaching, Human Resources Management.
Phone: +387 33 275 917

Amra Kožo, PhD
Areas of research: General Management, Human Resources Management, International Management, Strategic Mergers and Acquisitions.
Phone: +387 33 275 773

Assistant professors:

Munira Šestić-Serdarević, PhD
Areas of research: Entrepreneurship, Organisation.

Anes Hrnjić, PhD
Areas of research: Entrepreneurship and Economic Development, Innovation Management, Business Management, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Human Resource Management (HRM), Higher Education and EU Integration.

Teaching Assistant:

Berina Šahinović Hajrić, MA


Department of Microeconomics

Department of Microeconomics is in charge of the realization of courses that provide students with basic knowledge in microeconomic theory that helps them understand target functions and ways of behaviour of key actors of market economy – consumers, producers and the state. By a clear differentiation of individual market structures – perfect competition, oligopoly, monopolistic competition and monopoly – students get an insight into the ways in which an entrepreneurship can make maximum profit in various business conditions.  

The Department puts a special emphasis on modern theories that explain microeconomic aspects of making business decisions in the conditions of strategic interaction among market participants. The Department aims to explain to students the ways and methods that the state uses in order to regulate natural monopolies, as well as the role of the state in the realization of environment protection measures through the analysis of external effects on various market structures. 

The basic goal is to enable the students to practically apply the acquired knowledge in their work in enterprises and to make that knowledge a basis for understanding and making business decisions regarding costs, competitive advantages, demand, prices, entering and leaving the industrial branch, as well as the requirements of agencies that regulate the work of these enterprises. The aim is to make students ready to use microeconomic analysis as a means for solving a wide spectre of problems that enterprises comes upon in their everyday work.

Courses that are studies in this Department are: Microeconomics and Enterprise Economics on the first year of Economics and Managemenet, and Economics of Enterprises and Managerial Economics on the forst year of Sarajevo Business School. Concentrations that are currently offered at Undergraduate studies according to the Bologna systems are called: Business Planning and Analysis, and Economics and Business Development. 

Concentrations at the first cycle of studies

Business Planning and Analysis

The concentration Business Planning and Analysis at the Department of Microeconomics was purposefully created for undergraduate students who want to know more about the subjects related to the establishment and successful running of business development, planning as well as the analysis of business no matter what type of enterprise organisation. The concentration program Business Planning and Analysis is created so that students are provided with theoretical knowledge in the areas of business planning and analysis as well as the development of a range of practical skills needed for the successful planning, analysis and development of business activities in private, public and nonprofit sectors. The basic intention of this concentration is to meet the need in the labour market of Bosnia and Herzegovina through the development of professionals who will have the knowledge and skills needed for the successful planning and analysis of business enterprises. Students who complete their studies of Business Planning and Analysis will have the opportunity to make a direct or indirect contribution to the strengthening of economics in Bosnia and Herzegovina.  

Economics and Business Development

The concentration Economics and Business Development at Department of Microeconomics is oriented toward students of undergraduate studies at the academic program Sarajevo Business School who are interested in issues regarding economics and business development, from the establishment of an organization through all the phases of its lifecycle. Having in mind a wide range of possibilities for practical usage of the knowledge from the domain of Economics and Business Development, as well as the current changes that are reflected on business and success results, this study has been specifically designed to fill the gap for professionals in the domain of economics of business operations. Basic philosophy of concentration Economics and Business Development is reflected in the provision of the necessary higher-education knowledge from the areas of economics of business operations, integration, coordination and control of business activities and processes in different types of organizations. Also, the program is created so that, apart from theoretical knowledge, students get to develop practical skills that are necessary for an independent, creative and successful completion of tasks in different working positions. The program also provides a good basis for the establishment and successful running of one's own enterprise, and for the provision of consulting services for entreprise managers in different business areas.            


Department Members

Department Management:
Kasim Tatić, Full Professor, Head of Department
Danijela Martinović, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of Department
Ljiljan Veselinović, Assistant Professor, Secretary


Full Professors:

Kasim Tatić, PhD
Areas of interest and research: micoreconomic principles for environmental management; economics of knowledge and innovation; human potential and motivation; economic principles of intellectual property and ownership rights; development and enhancement of business processes.
Phone: +387 33 275 939


Associate Professors:

Danijela Martinović, PhD
Areas of interest and research: economics of enterprises, microeconomics, production management, operations management, public sector auditing, performance auditing.
Phone: +387 33 275 934

Jasmina Mangafić, PhD
Phone: +387 33 253 768

​Ljiljan Veselinović, PhD
Areas of interest and research: microeconomics, business economics, lean philosophy, strategic and operative planning, costs, simulations.
Phone: +387 33 253 766

Merima Činjarević, PhD
Areas of interest and research: microeconomic theory and analysis; business economics in the hotel and catering industry; stakeholders approach to enterprises; socially responsible business practices; consumer behavior.
Phone: +387 33 275 900

Mirha Bičo-Ćar, PhD
Areas of interest and research: economics of enterprises, labor productivity, business processes, monitoring work performance, business planning.
Phone: +387 33 275 980


Department of Business Law

Department of Business Law at School of Economics and Business in Sarajevo has existed since 2002. The reason and purpose of this Department is the fact that not one form of organizational business, whether on the local, state or international level, is possible to realize outside the legal order. Understanding and conducting of economic policies in the widest sense, and all the things that these policies encompass, presupposes their inseparable connection to Business Law in theory and in practice. Educating economists for current and future needs of the society requires knowledge from different areas of law, and from business law especially.

Department of Business Law is divided in seven teaching courses – individual scientific disciplines: (1) Business Law; (2) International Business Law; (3) European Law; (4) Securities Law; (5) Tourism Law; (6) Banking and Insurance Law, and (7) Competition and Consumer Protection Law.

Department Members

Department management:
Veljko Trivun, Professor, Head of Department
Vedad Silajdžić, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of Department


Full Professors:

Fatima Mahmutćehajić, PhD
Areas of research: Business Law, International Business Law, Corporate Management, E-Commerce Law, Name of Domain Law, Contract Law, Business Ethics
Phone: + 387 33 253 772

Vedad Silajdžić, PhD
Areas of research: Business Law, International Business Law, Corporate management, E-Commerce Law, Contract Law.
Phone: +387 33 275 930

Veljko Trivun, PhD
Areas of research: Corporate Management; Corporate Law; Public – Private Partnership, E-legislation.
Phone: +387 275 931



Department of Accounting and Audit offers courses that cover the area „Accounting and Audit“ at all three cycles of studies: undergraduate program (I cycle), graduate program (II cycle) and doctoral program (III cycle).  

Department of Accounting and Audit provides students with knowledge in the following disciplines: Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Financial Reporting, Business Analysis, Internal Audit, Financial Institutions Accounting, Nonprofit Organizations Accounting, Trading Organizations Accounting, Forensic Accounting, etc.

Courses taught at the Department enable students to get acquainted with the terms used in the area of accounting and audit, principles, parts, types and regulations (standards) that are applied in accounting and audit, monitoring, records, control, analysis and audit of business events, as well as with the processes of making and presenting financial reports and their audits, legal regulations and their uses in relation to accounting and audit, regulations of record keeping when applying charts of accounts in various business activities of legal entities.     


Accounting and Audit
The concentration is created in order for students to get acquainted with all the terms used in the accounting and audit profession through studying individual courses in this area, from introduction to accounting to financial reporting on business operations in compliance with International Standards of Financial Reporting (ISFR) and International Accounting Standards (IAS). This concentration puts the implementation of International Accounting Standards to the fore of accounting and auditing practice. Although  focused on educating future accountants and auditors, this concentration offers many useful things for managers who would like to master a part of accounting that could help them in managing companies.   

Department Members

Department management:
Ševala Isaković-Kaplan, Full Professor, Head of Department
Haris, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of Department
Mahir Proho, Teaching Professor, Secretary


Full Professors:

Haris Jahić, PhD
Areas of research: Business dealings Analysis, Financial Reporting.
Phone: +387 33 275 913

Meliha Bašić, PhD
Areas of research: Costs and Managerial Accounting in Profit and Non-profit Sectors, Internal Accounting.
Phone: +387 33 275 964


Associate Professors:

Ševala Isaković-Kaplan, PhD
Areas of research: Forensic accounting, Accounting and Auditing.
Phone: +387 33 253 770

Lejla Demirović, PhD
Areas of research: Accounting and Auditing

Benina Veledar, PhD
Areas of research: Public Sector Accounting, Analysis of Financial Statements and Professional Ethics.
Phone: +387 33 275 943

Senior Teaching Assistants:

Dijana Rađo, MA
Areas of research: Accounting and Auditing

Teaching Assistants:

Mahir Proho, MA

Edis Boloban, MA