Since its establishment in 1995 through today, the Center for Management and Information Technologies (MIT Center) of SEBS has been constantly working on development and improvements to the delivery of the teaching process, using the most recent achievements in the area of information technologies. By applying the most up-to-date solution, the MIT Center is creating a turnaround in the manner how teaching is organized and delivered.
The Center experiences its full development in the period 1996-2002.
The primary elements in work of the Center were:
Educational programs in management and modern IT for undergraduate and graduate studies, specialist education;
Content-wise and infrastructural building of capacities of the system for interactive distance learning;
Development of multimedia forms of educational contents;
Scientific, research and professional activities;
Information dissemination and publishing;
Forum means for collaboration;
Today, over 15 years after its establishment, the MIT Center represents an irreplaceable link in the teaching process chain.
Modern approach, adequate equipment, innovative solutions, committed work of the employees and constant desire for development and improvements has enabled the SEBS to take the leadership position in many areas of training in higher education institutions. Electronic reviewing of examinations, electronic student cards and recording of class attendance, daily updated web presentation of the School and modern design, the most recent software solutions, represent only some of the innovative solutions implemented in the teaching process with the help of the capacities of the MIT Center.
The Center is organized in three segments: INFO administration, IT support, Distance Learning (DL) study. Each of the three segments make studying simpler, complex task solved and innovations applied. Currently, at the MIT Center on voluntary or paid basis, there are 20 students, of undergraduate and graduate studies, contributing to the teaching process. All employees share the enthusiasm, persistence, dedication as well as immeasurable commitment to impeccable roll out of the teaching process. The working day at the MIT Center may often last longer than 15 hours, but the result is frequently better from even the most optimistic anticipations.
All the equipment of the SEBS enables attainment of fantastic results in all forms of training, promotion, practical application of the acquired skills and experiences, primarily thanks to everyday specialization and training of the MIT Center staff.
Good organization, constant monitoring of functionalities, and professional approach to problem solving have all contributed to the image of the leader and a role model among schools’ centers, both at the University and beyond.
MIT Center also represents a point where students can address their questions and nominate issues that they encounter in the course of studying.
Frequently, the Center helps the students in the course of preparation of the required projects, tasks and holds mini trainings for the interested students on how to use the maximum offered by the software solutions, thereby saving time and accomplishing better results.
A step forward each day, the Center bravely moves toward the position of prominence in the category of technological centers for support, development and modernization of the teaching process.