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![]() Director at European Federation for Accountants and Auditors for SMEs (EFAA) Thought leader and development consultant specializing in the global accountancy profession. Extensive expertise in practice management, international standard setting, policy making and regulation, advocacy and education. Skilled in building the capacity of accounting firms and professional accountancy organizations (PAOs) to address challenges and opportunities. Twelve years with the International Federation of Accountants most recently as Director, Global Accountancy Profession Support, overseeing the Global Knowledge Gateway, research and activities supporting small-and medium-sized practices and professional accountants in business. Many publications on topics from corporate governance and integrated reporting through to managing practices and the future of the profession. | |
![]() Principal FMLI Set up a niche firm focusing on financial markets, developing multi disciplinary teams to produce profit enhancing solutions, not isolated legal advice. Active in regulation, compliance, new products and services, crowdfunding, crypto, Brexit, MiFID, money laundering, corruption, fraud, cybercrime, financial crime, expert witness, and corporate governance. Also bringing accelerated learning techniques to financial markets to make training interesting and effective. Acting for investment banks, derivatives and securities brokers, exchanges, investment managers, IT firms, FX houses, payment institutions, a credit card provider, leading corporates, governments, regulators and other law firms. Assisted in the leading UK/US example of compliance turnaround. Ran the leading project to revitalise financial markets at country level. Advising various distressed financial institutions on regulatory recovery, transformation and growth. Helping various start up financial institutions through authorisation. Expert witness where a bank was saved from closure, and on a leading fraud case where report led to all regulatory charges being dropped. Due diligence capability covers 140 jurisdictions. Developed the leading compliance model. Appointed UK expert on EU anti corruption project. Financial market espionage cases and litigation support for various larger law firms. Very international and innovative, lots of new methodologies to bring new solutions to the table and enhance profitability. Chairman Home Affairs Committee FSB, focusing on cybercrime, fraud, business crime, data protection, access to justice, and business resilience, developing policy across government and KPIs. Appointed to Advisory Council UK Sichuan Business Association 2016, and to board of IASME (cyber resilience) 2017. Also working on challenger banking, crypto currencies, crowdfunding, and projects on implementation of key new laws, integrated financial crime deterrence systems and expert witness cases. | |
![]() Head of PPD and Audit Partner, researcher and teacher Eric's now 30-year career can be typified with three concepts: discipline, control practice and quality. Eric is responsible for Quality and Professional Technology within RSM as head of the Technical Services Department. As a senior audit partner, he also acts as external auditor on a number of dossiers, mostly related to the Transport and Logistics sector. Strongly linked to his preference for Professional Technology is his connection with a number of knowledge institutes, being the accountancy course of Maastricht University, the Research Group 'Optimizing Knowledge-intensive Business Processes' and the PhD-school of Open Universiteit. At this latter institute, Eric is working on a PhD project 'Automating the Auditor', in which he mainly focuses on Blockchain, Fintech, Going concern assessment, Continuous Auditing and Audit Quality. Since Eric is convinced that the accountant of the future will have to possess IT knowledge to a very large extent, he has invested over the past years in training for CISA (IT auditor) and C | CISO (security officer). | |
Second session | |
![]() School of Economics and Business University of Sarajevo Isaković-Kaplan dr Ševala was born in 1979 in Mostar. She graduated in 2002 at the Faculty for Business Management, University „Džemal Bijedić“ in Mostar, Financial-Accounting concentration, and she defended her MA thesis at the School of Economics and Business, University of Sarajevo, concentration Accounting and Audit, in 2010. She defended her doctoral thesis under the title „Forensic accounting in the function of fraud deterrence and detection in financial reports“ in 2013 at the School of Economics and Business, University of Sarajevo after which she was granted the scientific title of the doctor of economic sciences. Isaković-Kaplan dr Ševala is an associate professor at the School of Economics and Business, University of Sarajevo, and teaches several courses in the field of accounting and audit, and she is also a Deputy Head of the Department of Accounting and Audit. She is the author of the textbook „Forensic Accounting“, a co-author of five university textbooks in the field of accounting and audit, and the author/co-author of more than 30 scientific and professional papers in journals and proceedings in the country and abroad in which she deals with a number of relevant issues in the areas of accounting and audit, thus giving her contribution to the development of the accounting-audit science and profession in B&H. Isaković-Kaplan dr Ševala has the following professional titles: certified accountant and authorized auditor. She is continuously engaged in all teaching activities in the field of acquiring titles in the accounting-audit profession, and as a lecturer in a number of workshops/interactive seminars dealing with accounting frauds – detection of various areas of fraud in financial reports of business companies in B&H with the aim to rise the awareness of accountants and auditors of the ways of detecting frauds and their deterrence, as well as to present the role and significance of the forensic accountant in the accounting profession and society in general. | |
![]() University Department of Forensic Sciences, University of Split Associate professor Marijana Bartulović is employed at the University Department of Forensic Sciences, University of Split. She is a course leader for courses: "Internal Control and Audit", "Forensic Accounting I", "Forensic Accounting II" and "Corporate Fraud: Prevention and Detection". She is a co-lecturer on the courses "Financial Restructuring and Recovery of Business Entities" and "Financial and Accounting Expertise". In addition, she participates in teaching the course "Corporate Reporting". Currently, she is the deputy head of University Department of Forensic Sciences and head of the module "Financial and Accounting Forensics". She is the co-author of the book "Audit - a mechanism of supervision and trust" and has published more than 40 scientific and professional papers. As a member of the expert working group, she participated in the development of the standard of the profession “forensic accountant” and the qualification standard “master of financial and accounting forensics”. | |
![]() Dean of the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana (FELU) Professor Metka Tekavčič was named Dean of the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana (FELU) in 2013. From 2001 to 2007 professor Tekavčič was Vice-Dean at the FELU. From 1999 to 2001 she was also the Head of the Academic Unit of Management and Organization. Her research interest lies in the fields of cost and performance management, as well as non-profit and especially education management. Prof. Tekavčič has attended many international conferences, where she has presented papers from her research areas. She has published several research articles in Slovene, other European, and US peer-reviewed journals. She is a member of editorial boards in several prominent journals from her research field. Prof. Tekavčič is president of the FELU’s Senate and the Head of the Institute for Management and Organization. In 2014 she was awarded the Artemida award for Women's Excellence in Management. From 1992 till 2013 she was a member of the City Council of Ljubljana, Slovenia. She has long been and remains a member of the supervisory boards of many important Slovenian companies and other institutions. In 2016, the Dean Tekavčič was appointed as a member of the EQUIS Accreditation Board, run by European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD), the leading international network for management development. Since 2017, prof. Tekavčič has also served as a member of the AACSB International - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) Initial Accreditation Committee and a member the and European Advisory Council (EAC). In addition to her work, she is a vice-dean of Challenge:Future, a global youth a global think-DO-tank. | |
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![]() Principal – Responsible partner. Revison and assurance. Advice services on risks. Authorized auditor (Montenegro, Serbia), certified accountant (ISRCG; SRRS) Ph.D., M.A. (monetary economics and banking) BA in Economics (concentration: Finance and Accounting), all with honours. Full Professor of Finance – University in Belgrade (since 2003), courses in regular study programs: Basics of Finance (monetary, fiscal, banking) and business finance, Audit and control, Banking and Stock Market Business: M.A. studies: Assessment of the company value, Financial Management, Banking and stock market business and regulations, mentor of Ph.D., M.A. and B.A. papers. Full Professor of Marketing and Management – John Nesbit University, Belgrade (since 2008). Courses in regular study programs: Agrobiznis management, Agrobiznis marketing, Program Management in Agrobiznis. Professor in M.A. studies: International Financial Reporting, Agrobiznis Management and Marketing, Project Management in Agrobiznis. In Ph.D. studies: Sustainable Development. Mentor of Ph.D., M.A. and BA papers. Full Professor – University Business Academy in Novi Sad (since 2011), courses: Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Audit, Management of Corporate Risk – master, Accounting and Audit – Ph.D. studies. Guest professor of judicial accounting, Zagreb School of Economics and Management, Zafreb, Croatia, MBA studies (since 2007). Full Professor of Accounting and Audit in MBA study programs, Zagreb School of Economics and Management (2021 - ). Previous professional engagement and cooperation in the field of audit: Confida-Finodit, Belgrade, Serbia; Director and partner: International Consulting Center Accounting, Auditing and Tax – ICCAT, Belgrade, Serbia. Richard and Partners, Podgorica, Montenegro. Took part in the creation of a number of regulations in the area of finance, banking, stock markets and accounting and audit in Yugoslavia and Serbia. The author of a number of books and papers and the organizer of training programs (audit, accounting, management). ISRCG instructor for the field of accounting and audit, International and regional instructor for financial reporting and audit, Centre for Financial Reporting Reform, the World Bank, Vienna, CFRR (since 2016). A member of the group of experts of the European Federation of Accountants and Auditors of MPS for the digitalization of the profession – EFAA, a member of the Assurance Quality Board, EFAA (2017 - ). Intensively involved in the international cooperation at different levels with a special focus on the region of the Western Balkans and Southeastern Europe. In the field of audit, he has published a serias of textbooks since 2000. He is a scientific and professional translator. An editor of scientific publications in the Publishing-Consulting Agency Mate, Belgrade (2005 – 2014). An editor of scientific and professional editions in the field of social sciences – economics and management, Publishing-Consulting Agency iLearn, Belgrade (since 2016). Scientific translator (university textbooks form the USA, International Accounting Standards, etc.) He was a member and one of the instigators of the First Exam Commission for a unique exam in auditing, The Federal Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Yugoslavia. He was a member of the editorial boards of the following scientific journals: Economics of Agriculture, Belgrade; Money of the whole world, Belgrade, Law and Economy, Belgrade. He is an external scientific reviewer for the journal called Finance, Belgrade; a member of the editorial board of a scientific magazine Accounting and Audit, ISRCG, a member of the editorial board of a scientific journal Legal-Economic Perspectives, Society for Law and Economics, Belgrade, a member of the editorial board of the journal Auditor, Serbia. |