In a dynamic business environment, the role of marketing and financial professionals has become more critical in ensuring the long-term success of enterprises.
The three-year programme Marketing management and Financial management will provide you with the knowledge and skills to become a marketing or financial professional, and the confidence to progress into a number of roles.
Graduating with a concentrations in marketing management improves your employment prospects for a career in marketing and you will be well qualified for roles such as: marketing executive, market researcher, public relations officer, digital marketing account executive and etc.
A degree with a concentrations in Financial management will give you the skills for a career in financial services such as banking, insurance, investment management, pension fund management and etc.
Bachelor of management
The program is divided in six semesters, four of which are attended by all students. It is only during the fifth semester that students get to choose one of the following concentrations:
1. | Principles of Economics | Corporate Finance | Strategic Management |
2. | Introduction to Business | Principles of Marketing | Quantitative Methods in Management |
3. | Business Law | Statistics | Management Information Systems |
4. | Principles of Management | Microeconomics | Financial Accounting |
5. | Mathematics for Management | Accounting | Quantitative Models in Finance |
6. | Business Informatics | Macroeconomics | International Economics and Business |
On the fourth semester (second year) of the study program you can choose one of the following concentrations:
1. | Financial Management | Financial Risk Management | Actuarial Models | Marketing Management | Marketing Channels | Brand Management |
2. | Fundamentals of Financial Analysis | International Financial Management | Financial Markets and Instutions | Consumer Behavior | Price Management | Global Marketing |
3. | Insurance | Portfolio Management | Taxes and Corporations | Marketing Research | Services Marketing | Marketing Communications |
4. | Banking | Elective | Elective | Digital Marketing and Social Media | Elective | Elective |
5. | Business Ethics | Internship | Elective | Business Ethics | Internship | Elective |
6. | Research Project | Bachelor's Thesis | Research Project | Bachelor's Thesis |
FM&MM programme set is delivered in the full-time mode, based on both the traditional “in-class” model (10 weeks of classes per semester) and the “online” model (5 weeks of classes per semester). The amount and schedule of “in-class” and “online” weeks are consistent every year and regularly publicized at the beginning of every semester. Programme delivery operates based on the academic year divided into two semesters - fall and spring semester. The fall semester starts at the beginning of October and lasts until the middle of January, while the spring semester starts in mid-February and lasts until the beginning of June. Each semester at the I cycle of study includes 15 weeks of instruction. Exams for the fall semester are held in January-February, while exams for the spring semester are held in June-July.
Note: During the COVID-a9 pandemic, the programme set is delivered online.
The enrolment to Management in English language is very restrictive regarding the criteria. Entrance exam is taken in Mathematics and English language.
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+387 33 275 968
+387 33 275 927