All accepted Abstracts and Papers will be published in the Book of Abstracts and in the Conference of Proceedings both indexed in the EBSCO Business Source Complete. Please, check Instruction for Authors:
Full papers accepted for the conference are eligible to be considered for publication in the international peer-reviewed academic journals:
SEEJ is a Web of Science (ESCI, JIF=1.0) and Scopus (Q2) ranked journal that deals with diverse research topics in the fields of economics and business focused on the economies of South East Europe ( The editors of SEEJ journal will actively participate at the conference and will provide feedbacks, comments and guides to the authors interested for potential publication. The submitted articles will be published in a special issue or as a supplement to the regular issue.
EMIP is a Web of Science (ESCI, JIF=0.5) and Scopus indexed journal that deals with diverse research topics in the fields of economics and business ( ). The editors of EMIP journal will actively participate at the conference and will provide feedbacks, comments and guides to the authors interested for potential publication. The submitted articles will be published in a special issue or as a supplement to the regular issue.
For more information, please visit our conference website at or contact us at